Pack and hang garments the day before to avoid wrinkles
Arrive in loose-fitting clothing to prevent marks and lines on your skin
Bring a variety of shoes, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and hats that can enhance any theme or look
Personalize your session by bringing your MP3 player packed with your favorite songs to get you in the mood
Check out our “Client Consultation Questionaire” before coming in to meet with our photographer, who will help you figure out exactly what you want from your session
Experiment with hair color or cut, nail color, tanning beds, bronzer or self-tanner just before a session
Get a sunburn or uneven tan
Skip on sleep or breakfast before a shoot
No self-tanners or body oils the day of, as they can damage clothing, furniture and props
All clients on our site have given us their written permission to be featured.
Phone: (818) 709 - 3940 | E-mail: | Address: 9734 Variel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311